Modern Day Ninja

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Foreigners, what are they good for? Contributing.

Some recent outcry on social media towards 'Foreigners' is shameful. In saying that, I believe the public is being misinformed to target minority immigrants instead of the real source of Irelands problems, its system. I recently watched a documentary specifically aimed at Asylum Seekers. How misguided is everyone? In relation to the above documentary, I would have to say.. extremely. I am not going to bash Tv3 for their work on this documentary as some of it actually shows decent journalistic reporting which is an all to rare occurance in news outlets these days. But it is sensationalist. It is designed to get your blood pumping and their ratings soaring. The figure of 4,500 has to be just a ball park figure thrown out there by Tv3 as the first word of the documentary is 'Around'. I'm confident it is less and they are rounding up to suit the sensationalist reporting ideal.

Ireland rejects more Asylum seekers than any other EU country. Recent figures published by the EU shows that of 1,625 Asylum cases ruled on by Irish authorities, (the amount of cases seen has come down over the last few years) only 140 applications were granted. That's an approval rate of only 8.6%. This is well below a rough average of 25% (rounded down). Malta and Italy have the highest acceptance of 72% and 62% respectively. This is mainly due to ppl fleeing from the ongoing war in Syria. I think we can all agree and understand that no one wants to flee their own country unless it is the last resort. These ppl come from worse off countries, so lets all think of at least acknowledging that fact before we talk about government funding. Every person on this planet is equal to the next. Unfortunately, where you are geographically born will dictate the amount of inequality you will experience. It is existing systems, governments and corporations driven by monetary gain that prevents equality.

Approximately 1/3 of Asylum seekers in Ireland are children. I can't begin to imagine how a child could possibly cope with that process. How does a child cope with fleeing from his/her homeland (who knows what crazy troubles they left behind and indeed what danger?!) to a new country in search of life, not just a life but to experience real life to which so many of this world will more than likely never get the opportunity. Not to mention the mental implications this type of ordeal would have on them later in their lives. In one of the interviews Kobe expresses through fear and helplessness what a joyless life she leads under the current system our government provides. It is draining tax payers funds but worse, its draining ppl's lives. It has to be repaired for the good of Irish ppl and Asylum Seekers.

To be fair, this documentary is not so bad. It has just managed to misplace ppl's anger throughout the venting tool that is social media, towards immigrants. We should not be angry at poor ppl seeking refuge just because they are housed and given an inadequate amount of money to survive on. It is the government and the system in place to which our anger should be directed. Why would any person or parent seek refuge in Ireland only to remain poverty stricken? To answer this takes two things. Firstly, it is clear only a worse life is waiting for them back in their own countries. How bad? I cannot say but logically speaking along with pieces I've read it would be life threatening in one way or another. Secondly, disinformation. I am sure they are told of a great new life that awaits them if they make it into such countries, like Ireland. It's lies. Or to put it better, it's disinformation. They are told what they need to hear not what they should know. They have no other choice. None.

Now, it has become a case of Asylum Seekers risking what little they have to stand up and be counted in a democracy, a supposable democracy. That should be applauded. You could listen to the old saying "don't bite the hand that feeds you" but in this case the hand that's feeding you is a broken system reduced over time to keep you in poverty. You know there is a better life out there, you have now seen it first hand with Irish ppl. To us it is not a great life and we should be doing the same, standing up and being counted but just remember on this long journey to equality our asylum friends are one step behind us in this poverty food chain. We are not well off by any means but there is worse off than us. For so many Irish ppl and families to be struggling it is the system, it is the government. The politicians who squandered and robbed during the boom, this is the fallout we are now experiencing and most have been experiencing for quiet sometime. My own friends and family have been directly effected by it just like most of you reading this. For some of you that believe I am well off, taking moral high ground or have no experience with any of this, plz read on.

I know first hand what it is like to be a 'Foreigner' in a different country. Granted that was just Australia but in this new age of immigration it has now become a business for governments to exploit. Boy were we exploited. Scammed is possibly a better word. All because we wanted a better life. We were taken advantage of not by human trafficking but by governments themselves. On three separate occasions we were misled, used, and then discarded. Thousands after thousands squandered. How could you not trust a government or government agents, right?! Maybe I was naive. Maybe I was still brainwashed to believe that governments have your best interests at heart. They should, but they don't.

You have an immigration system in place to which employers take advantage of with regards to employing immigrants. They assure you of sponsorship to keep you working after an initial mandatory 3 month period working for them. The next day they inform you there is no work left. Coincidentally, just after xmas when all businesses quieten down! Once bitten, twice shy. You brush yourself off and go again. You find more work and another 3 months is taken. Same deal, thanks very much wish you all the best. As you can see not only does it seem impossible to achieve your goal but at the same time you develop a distain towards the country you want to live in. Your time is running out.

Employers are abusing the system and by doing so are taking advantage of immigrants in general. This is how Asylum Seekers are treated in Ireland. They are left for months even years on end waiting for that piece of paper which allows them to live in Ireland. Sometimes it does not come. I can relate to this. Now, I am not comparing my monetary troubles and experiences during our time trying to stay long term in Australia to the problems of Asylum Seekers, I just know how they are being treated. Joy and I were emotionally, physically and financially spent trying to make it into Australia long term. I can't begin to imagine the distress Asylum seeking families find themselves in.

Alas, for us there was some light at the end of the tunnel, albeit, inevitability too late. After spending a further 7 months trying to get an indefinite visa I was refused and told to leave the country within 25 days or be deported. Effectively they squeezed us dry and sent us packing on a technicality once they couldn't get anymore money from us. Or so I thought. They offered me an appeal if I wished to do so. It's costs $2,500. I researched this as I did most visas from day one. What did I find? All appeals have 100% upheld governments decisions on visas. A scam. This is when Joy had found an employer with morals, a heart and a respect for ppl trying to live in their country. They offered us everything to stay which was amazing to hear, such great ppl but we had no choice and had to leave, for now at least. We have to do minimum one year away before returning if we wish to do so. I am not going to go into more detail about our problems, I've learned no matter how hard we have it that I am privileged to be born in a country that offers opportunity and easy access to food and water. We are all privileged. Most ppl born in different parts of the world struggle to get food and water from day to day never mind having a chance of making a better life. This will always make me sad but I understand at the same time you have to put your privileged opportunity to great use, as one day you could then help a child or family in need.

If you are an immigrant, you may be a good person or people but they don't want to know that. You are just another number. It is easier to discard a number than a person. I hope this isn't the same for Asylum Seekers. It's not about these ppl being grateful for what they get but that they know it is not good enough for any human to survive on. That is a basic human right. No human on this planet should live in poverty.

The greed of the richest 1% and governments is the only reason why this planet is not better run. It is in corporations interests to keep it this way so they can continue to exploit and gain more and more profit. In America, for example, the top 0.1% hold 25% of Americas entire wealth, almost the same share as the bottom 90%. Futhermore, the top 1% owns over 40% of the wealth in America. Moreover, the top 20% own 89% of Americas wealth, which means the bottom 80% of ppl own less than 11% of Americas entire wealth. And these figures are continuing to grow ever further apart. Creating more poverty and we know poverty fuels crime. All these figures above you won't get from main stream media such as sky news etc. They want you in your own bubble, constantly misinformed or distracted. 96% of news outlets are owned by corporations. The reason I use America as the example is their model is followed by most 1st world countries.

The real reason I use America is because they are the ones helping to bomb Syria right now aswel as many other countries. Their 0.1% are made up of weapons contractors and many other vile banks and corporations. They need more profit so more bombs have to be dropped. They control parts of America's government, make no mistake about that. America has bombed roughly 30 countries since the end of World War II. Make of that what you will.

Get your news and documentaries from the internet. I also recommend John Oliver if you like to watch Tv in general. He's brilliant. Youtube has all his shows. Here is a 6 minute clip on this topic of Wealth in America.

Getting back to the immigration topic. Take the Uk for example, here are some facts to which immigrants supported and contributed to the Uk. The main stream media does not report this.

Instead they offer disinformation to make us believe that immigrants are the problem. It is a common misconception and you can't blame ppl for not realising. We have the exact same scenario here in Ireland. You obviously get your bad apples of immigrants and these are the stories you hear. These stories are fueled by main stream media to misinform you as to the source of the problem. The problem is always the system. So next time you hear on the news of how immigrants are the problem think of what they are trying to distract you from. The next time you hear ppl in person saying immigrants are the problem politely disagree with them. Aggression does not change ppl's minds it only fuels stubbornness. Calmly presented facts even with a charm is the best action to take if you want to open ppl's minds. After all, I was shameful because at one point I use to think the same way about immigrants and many other concerning topics until I learned to get my news from the internet not the tv.

Immigrants contribute. Remember that and we instantly accomplish compassion for our fellow man and also the realisation that the government is responsible and accountable for the constant improvement of Asylum Seekers lives, and ours. I'll leave you with this 3 minute video. It will say more to you in 3 minutes than I possibly could from all of this blog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's that time of year, again.

I'm just all set for Vegas. Tickets booked, accommodation sorted and my action sold. Upon selling action this year for Wsop events, I found it quiet interesting. My late sale did not do me any favours, however, this time and lately, in general, the market has shrunk in size it feels. It's a very hard one to judge when selling. It has become a matter of how much you are willing to drop in mark rather than finding the perfect balance. To be fair, this is better for the longevity of the game albeit at the players expense. I think there has been a lot of mark ups over charged in the past, for sure, but not to gain a distinct advantage over some buyers who just want a sweat, but soley because its hard to judge all the factors exactly, on top of the main component, the marketplace.

The marketplace trumps any preparations you can make. It's the be all and end all. I've made mistakes myself on judging these, its only normal. I don't think anyone ever soley sets out to charge extortionate mark up, what thief would right? Especially, with your added reputation being on the line. And that brings me to a quick statement and apology I'd like to make. There is no way, no chance, that Rory Brown ever set out to do this in his selling thread that I questioned to the point, it became a distasteful interaction. It doesn't matter even if you are right about someones mark up (Rory acted on advice from friends and only in hindsight was it deemed a bit over), you do not call them out, the marketplace will take care of it in the long run and so for that, my emotionally charged response to Rory was bad judgement and poor form so I do apologise.

It is a pretty intense subject to speak about, especially with added passion. I think the marketplace in Ireland, which appears a slight touch smaller now is still as good an option if not better than dealing with private buyers. The only plus being a one lump sum transaction, which all poker players like, but mostly because we are flat out lazy and would rather spend our time playing and loosing than tracking multiple percentages. Well most of us apart from Smidge anyway, you just know he loves that shit. A good spot to get back onto talking about Vegas and my 5 picks... for the drunken end of
night state. Actually, I'll just need one pick, but I won't say who *cough* John *cough*. I'm terrible at the game of drink myself, just ask Albert Kenny or Big Mick G.

Ok, I will do 5 picks for a bracelet, I do enjoy trying to be right, especially when I'm wrong.

1. Nick Abau Risk. Nick has been running deep so far this series, like previous years. I have one of those feelings for Nick, he just might bink. (Nearly swapped him for Max during the 10k, lol.)

2. Jude Ainsworth. Give the man a stack and watch for the torture he will dish out. Definitely one of the best hopes for Irish poker in any high game, let alone a run at the series.

3. Padraig 'Smidge' O Neill. It would be about time we turned this man into a baller. Just take a moment to imagine that if you know him, glorious, right?! Credit card roulette is his first step.

4. Sean Prenderville. Same as Jude, you just cannot exclude the man. Serious results. It's no wonder he is named the GOAT.

5. Daragh Davey. Oh wait, he's not going, or is he? Who knows. One thing is for sure, the 'Real Davey Tweets' will be in full flow. So please do join in when you see that shit trending on Twitter. A preview you say? Ok, just one. 'I'd have got that bluff through v Johnny Chan in 1988.' #RealDaveyTweet

I was close to putting John O Shea into this, just for the maximum tilt factor, he will probably go and bink a bracelet. In holdem aswel to send me straight to the nearest bridge in Vegas. All jokes aside, I hope to have a crack at a bracelet along with a few others from Ireland. There's only one question left to ask, can the tiny Island produce?

APT Launch & First Thoughts

 It's adventures like these that cause a blog revival.  As most of you know I've created a new poker tour based in Ireland. It is as...